Saturday, June 21, 2008

This Week at Aunt Paige's

Ginny my oldest niece was visiting and took a tumble off the razor scooter. During the week she complained about her arm but she did not complain too much. I took her to see a doctor and then it was off to the ER on Thursday. When we got there she was very quite and made a few little jokes. Ginny and I went back to X-ray and they took 4 pictures of her arm. Then they sent us back to the room where we watched " Are you as smart as a 5Th Grader". The first question was about plural pronouns which Ginny and I both guessed wrong. Then the next question which was ironic was if you were to break the bone between your elbow and shoulder what is it called. I yelled out humerus and the ER doctor walks in and said that Ginny had broken her arm. I was very surprised it was not blue or overly swollen. Her arm had a slight defect place were the break was located. The doctor spent about 80 seconds with us and the nurses put on a temporary cast. Ginny had broken her left radial bone and it was a buckle break. They had given Ginny Lora tab and I was not sure how she would react. When we got home there was a great deal of excitement but then it was calm and Ginny started to itch. We finally got her settled and she fell asleep. She is a trooper. So, Aunt Paige took Ginny out to eat BBQ and then took her on a shopping trip. She purchased a Beta fish. She exclaimed she would name it razor after the scooter she fell.

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