Monday, June 9, 2008


Tonight we decided to go on a family walk. Ashley said "no, it was too far. John was able and willing. Jacob wanted to stay at home and watch TV. So, I told everyone that it would be an adventure and we might find a turtle. I was saying that to get them excited about walking and had no idea that we would find a live turtle. Stuart, Ashley, John, Mojo and I took an evening stroll and found some interesting shape rocks. I discovered yellow and white daisies. We walked about 1/2 mile and no turtle. The reason I thought we might discover a turtle is the fact that it had just rained really hard and sometimes turtles come out after a rain. As we walked back down a big hill we saw some people looking at houses that were for sale. I spotted a turtle and it was upside down looking at the road. I question Stuart about the type of turtle because I did not want to pick up a snapping turtle. Stuart felt that it was a painted turtle. After looking on the Internet that is exactly what it is, a painted turtle. Stuart knows his reptiles. We were so lucky to find a turtle. We took the turtle, rocks, and daisies home. The turtle got named by Ashley and she named him Designer. Stuart told Ashley to call him Shell or Myrtle the Turtle. We put Designer in the baby pool and watched him swim. Of course, John had the most fun!

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