Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Growing Garden and Teenage Education

Stuart's family garden is expanding and after many weeks of tender loving care we have some vegetables. Ashley and John have been fascinated with ladybugs lately and Stuart found a website to buy some. You can buy 1500 ladybugs for $6.00 have them shipped and set them free. Stuart likes to have the ladybugs on his tomato plants. Now, every time Ashley and John find one they put it in Daddy's tomatoes. That is if they do not kill it first. It will be hot and sticky here all week. The kids are at Vacation Bible School this week. I will have a Pampered Chef Party this Saturday.

Today, I told my oldest son that if he washed my car I would let him practice driving some. Well, I went to put the kids down for a nap he decided that he would go by himself. Well, thank goodness he did not hurt anyone. We live in a neighborhood with lots of empty lots which is great for open space. But he scared me to death. I went outside to tell him that after their nap I would go with him. My car was gone and my heart sank!. He tried on his own. Well, I am not going to share with my husband because he might be mad. Teenagers do need to feel a little freedom just not too much. When I was younger about 13 or 14 my sister would let me drive. I really think it helped me in many ways by bonding with my sister that she trusted me! Today, at least my car got washed.

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