Thursday, June 19, 2008

Summer Nights

Last night the kids and neighbors had an outdoor fire and had smores. John had his first smore. He was not sure at first that he could eat every thing mixed together. It did not take long for him to gobble the whole smore and leave most of it on his face. I backed the car out and let the girls listen to their CD's. Stuart went running at Jacob's school. Earlier in the evening, I took the kids out to eat so that we did not have to cook and clean. Stuart gave the kids a shower so that I could go walking before his run. I went out walking and took some pictures. The sun was starting to set. I love how the sun hits the trees and flowers at night. I love the birds and the stillness. I think my house is the loudest place on the planet year around! Ginny and John are sitting beside me while I am writing and they are hugging. They are watching Wilbur on TLC and they need to get dressed for Bible School.

All the children in the neighborhood have been out riding their bikes and sitting on the front porch talking. John at 3 years and 4 months can get on his bike and ride without training wheels. He can even push off by himself and start. John is sitting on the couch saying " smell my feet!" Ashley said " yuck, John your feet are black." I might have to take Ginny to the doctor this morning her wrist is still hurting

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