Monday, July 7, 2008

Kids say the funniest things!

John handed me an bible that he was reading upside down. He looked at me funny and said look mom there is a thunderstorm coming today...see here it is Mommy. It was the ancient maps in the bible he was referring to I guess he thought it looked like a weather map. He runs around the house saying guess what! I will say what and he says laughing "I don't know!" I love to watch he run out to to see the garbage truck. Sometimes he will be riding his scooter and a police that patrols our neighborhood will stop and talk with him. He tells the police that he can ride his bike without training wheels and he can jump the curb. The police just smiles and comments that he is glad John has a helmet on. He is always repeating " what" to anything you say. He will say "what" a thousand times a day. Jacob use to say "why" I guess that just a difference in personality.My sister, Kelly use to call Jacob the "what Man". I love to watch John eat. You can just see the enjoyment on his face and he cleans his plate most of the time. If he is eating from a package he will turn it over his mouth so he can pour the crumbs into his happy mouth. We can not forget about the crumbs.

Jacob was much the same way as a child. Some people just enjoy food. I never did as a child because I was too picky. My mom said I lived off of five foods. My taste for food changed as a teenager and I eat most vegetables. I have read several articles lately on biotechnology of seeds and how genetically engineered seeds is big business. (very interesting but controversial) Our watermelons and pumpkins are coming in good in our little back yard garden. I have 4 pumpkins and 2 watermelons.

Tonight, I had the chance to go walking without the children. It is much more calm that way. I could actually hear the crickets and smell the sweet grassy smells as they drifted down the hill with me. The sun started going down and as I walked by the house I could see Ashley peering out her window at me in the dark. Then the worry started because I picture Ashley and John falling out their window. I worry to much but John gives me many reason to worry. A few days ago he was standing in the window with it open waving at the neighbors. Mom's worry from the first day they find their pregnant until the day they die. Some worry more and some less. I just happen to tip the scale over with worry must days.

I am planning to paint several rooms this summer and maybe the garage. For some reason the garage takes a beating with the kids. I think I will start with Jacob's room.

Tonight we had swordfish and salad. I made a salad with pumpkin seeds, cranberries, blueberries, apples, and spring mix. I like to make homemade dressing with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

We went camping with Ruby, Wyatt, Uncle Ned, and Aunt Carin this weekend in Cherokee, NC. We had so much fun and Aunt Carin is sending me some pictures and I will blog about our trip.

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