Monday, March 14, 2016

no processed foods

Oh my. I have for many years entered the bakery at the grocery store thinking how many bad thing there are to consume. When you look in your cabinets and pantry at all the foods you put in your body. Simple things like granola, salad dressing, sauces, crackers, chips, pudding, white rice and a multitude of bad foods. My mother had previously stated she would try a no process food diet. So, I thought I would give it a try. There are plenty of blogs and articles out there already that are great. What I noticed first, shopping is much easier. What I notice next my bill was higher.

Few of the items I picked up natural peanut butter that you grind in the store, nonfat and non-sweetened yogurt for smoothies, lots of fresh fruits and veggies. I think my kids are in shock. I feed them broccoli and boiled eggs for lunch to use up what I had before we went shopping.                        The only thing I bought that was processed was a treat I told my kids to pick out two for the week.

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