Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Before drifting of to sleep I ask my husband if he remembered life with out the internet. When I was in College at age 17 you had to look in a book for the answer. Life was so different then than today. For example, mixing drinks in a local bar you always knew your customer. Rarely did they ever change or mix up what they were drinking, Now, you have a smart phone and have every drink
 at your finger tip. If you needed a solid fact on a small country you would have to go to the library and look it up. I do remember when my husband and I got internet (1997) I felt alone he seemed to enjoy it more than I. We had dial up and it was horrible to sit and wait. Communication has changed to much.I think that is one of the main reason I love nature so much because it something God created. You can not control or change it only enjoy it, watching the sun set, sunrise, snow, storms, stars, the moon, animals, insect, and wind twirling around.

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