Monday, March 28, 2016

Busy Day

To Track Meet for Ashley. Up at 5 am making oatmeal. Joy!! The things mothers and fathers do for their little ones. Teenagers are so much fun to wake up. Then off to the grocery store for the no process food trip week three. Then to come home to the little things the kids do like not turning off their lights!! Oh, the small stuff. Unpacked groceries and clean out fridge simultaneously. Fixed my hubby lunch. Ate apple with fresh made peanut butter. Made a cake with almond meal. Then off for a 4 mile walk and 70 squats. Picked John up from school and Stuart came home and was going for a run so we walked together for his warm up. Fixed eggs by baking in the oven see below. I use to be a Food Service Director and Catering Manager along with the fact my family had restaurant while I was growing up. I have never seen baked eggs. I saw this on Pinterest and it really works. ( place eggs in muffin pan, add nothing, cook 30 min on 325, pull out of oven drop in ice water, peel and enjoy). Dinner whole wheat wraps with egg salad and arugula. How in the world did I work so much over the last 10 months.....thank goodness I have a very supportive husband. Love him xoxo.

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