Thursday, March 31, 2016

April Anthony honored by health executives

April Anthony honored by health executives

Something different

Whole wheat with natural peanut butter and banana on one side. Strawberries and honey on the


Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Salmon, Broccoli, and New Potatoes. Long walk and lifting arm weights. In from walk...... BS random was 80........ smiles. Husband home for lunch such a nice luxury!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Whole wheat wrap with sauce and cheese and topped with lettuce and carrots.

March 29, 2016

Proud Personal moments my A1C after three months of no sugar and walking is Normal!!! The doctor was shocked well I will keep on with the no processed low carb choice foods. 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Busy Day

To Track Meet for Ashley. Up at 5 am making oatmeal. Joy!! The things mothers and fathers do for their little ones. Teenagers are so much fun to wake up. Then off to the grocery store for the no process food trip week three. Then to come home to the little things the kids do like not turning off their lights!! Oh, the small stuff. Unpacked groceries and clean out fridge simultaneously. Fixed my hubby lunch. Ate apple with fresh made peanut butter. Made a cake with almond meal. Then off for a 4 mile walk and 70 squats. Picked John up from school and Stuart came home and was going for a run so we walked together for his warm up. Fixed eggs by baking in the oven see below. I use to be a Food Service Director and Catering Manager along with the fact my family had restaurant while I was growing up. I have never seen baked eggs. I saw this on Pinterest and it really works. ( place eggs in muffin pan, add nothing, cook 30 min on 325, pull out of oven drop in ice water, peel and enjoy). Dinner whole wheat wraps with egg salad and arugula. How in the world did I work so much over the last 10 months.....thank goodness I have a very supportive husband. Love him xoxo.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

What is left over for the week

Healthy living is not for everybody. It is really hard for my youngest. He eats fruits and veggies. He prefers meat and potato type meals and I didn't realize how it is bothering him. Well, he is going to live with it because it is here to stay. We have managed to go out to eat once in almost 4 weeks. Money saver.....Today, John ask if we could go buy some processed foods. Too funny. Nope! There is nothing left due to all the cooking so I made whole wheat pasta with broccoli with a orange on the side. Last night I had a grapefruit and slice of cheese for dinner.
I was the only one to eat this and then set off to walk for the second time today. Also, I have found drinking lemon water has helped a lot making me feel less bloated.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Friday, March 25, 2016

Protein Packed Pancakes


  • 1 cup Navy Beans, drained
  • 1 2/3 cup Water
  • 1 Tbsp Honey (Don’t substitute as this gives the pancakes the golden color.)
  • 2 tsp Oil (I use olive)
  • 1 tsp Vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 1 1/2 cup Rolled Oats
  1. Add ingredients to blender in the order listed. Blend until well blended. Set aside to thicken while you heat the skillet to medium.
  2. Cook on until golden brown, turning as needed.

Not my recipe but they were great. No flour, eggs, or dairy. I thought my daughter would fall over after finding out what the pancakes consisted of. She loved them.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Dinner Thursday Night

Shrimp, Asparagus, Tomatoes and Whole Wheat Pasta.

Now it is basketball time in the house!

Zucchini Pizza Lunch

Getting to go out for walk but very windy and cold.

Picture from last year

There is detail in this picture using a cannon power shot from home. Last night there was a full moon but the winds were 43 miles per hour my pictures did not turn out like this one.

When the winds die down a little I will head out for a walk. Eggs, coffee, and water for breakfast.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

a walk and a salad

Walked 3 miles this morning even with a sore ankle and leg exercises. Had lunch below and going with "no process foods means foods that have less than 5 ingredients." I not completely sure about that one. I found potato chips with three ingredients but I still considered that processed.

Healthy Wraps

I am out exercising with my husband. We are walking during my youngest son's soccer practice. Some how I have never had any grace. My husband nickname for me is Grace. The soccer field looks much like a stadium. The fields are huge close to 1/2 mile long with probably 10 large fields surrounded by a 15 foot embankment that makes it look like a stadium. So there is a walking path above all the fields that you can look down on the fields. It also looks like a huge empty pond were the soccer fields are at the bottom. So when you walk your kind of on display to all the people below. There were probably 6 teams on the fields. We were walking along my husband 6 foot 4 walking reading stock news on his phone and me looking straight ahead trying to keep up with his long legs. When all the sudden I stepped in a hole and rolled my ankle and fell onto both knees with two ladies walking behind me. Oh my word my pain and embarrassment. My theory is that my husband shoe size keeps him from falling his feet are so long he always walks over the holes. He wears a size 13. Anyway, there are days I just want to be normal!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Oh my, I cooked yesterday for several hours. I have learned it takes so much personal time to cook something good that is eaten in 10 minutes. The chicken pot pie was not my best I do not like whole wheat crust. Yuck. The coconut banana squares.....not my recipe.....seemed OK but kinda of dry. My youngest son's
face said it all. Tonight will be simple whole wheat chicken wrap due to soccer practice for 2 hrs tonight.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Something new

Ok this week I spent 45 $ less on my grocery bill goal is to keep reducing. Tonight I am making homemade chicken pot pie using whole wheat flour. We will see. Just went for a quick walk and trying to prepare dinner early. I made banana with organic coconut bread without eggs. Kind of dry we will see if the family likes it.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sunday Night

Whole wheat pasta with organic tomato sauce
Romaine and Spring mix salad with carrots, walnuts, broccoli, and cucumbers sprinkle of cheese

Full Moon picture

Taken with canon camera.

Today was a good day. Brisk and 50 for the high. Stuart and John just in from playing soccer. Stuart and I took a long walk together today a little chilly but that is OK.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Family Dinner Day two no processed foods


Red Potatoes with olive oil

Stuffed zucchini and Stuffed Mushrooms

Sliced grapefruit and orange

Day Two Lunch

Lunch Day 2
2 small Zucchinis grated
1 tsp olive oil
2 tsp grated Parmesan
sea salt and black pepper to taste

saute ingredients together for 5 minutes

1/4 cup chicken stock
saute for 5 minutes until chicken stock cooks away

core apple add 2 tsp ground natural peanut butter drizzle with honey

Day 2 of no processed foods

 My husband is off early to work this am. My youngest asking if he can create his own YouTube site and my middle child still sleeping her life away. The sun has been rising and peeking through the trees. So far so good on the no process foods. It will be beautiful today slightly windy and 70 degrees. 
Before drifting of to sleep I ask my husband if he remembered life with out the internet. When I was in College at age 17 you had to look in a book for the answer. Life was so different then than today. For example, mixing drinks in a local bar you always knew your customer. Rarely did they ever change or mix up what they were drinking, Now, you have a smart phone and have every drink
 at your finger tip. If you needed a solid fact on a small country you would have to go to the library and look it up. I do remember when my husband and I got internet (1997) I felt alone he seemed to enjoy it more than I. We had dial up and it was horrible to sit and wait. Communication has changed to much.I think that is one of the main reason I love nature so much because it something God created. You can not control or change it only enjoy it, watching the sun set, sunrise, snow, storms, stars, the moon, animals, insect, and wind twirling around.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Soccer Time

no processed foods

Oh my. I have for many years entered the bakery at the grocery store thinking how many bad thing there are to consume. When you look in your cabinets and pantry at all the foods you put in your body. Simple things like granola, salad dressing, sauces, crackers, chips, pudding, white rice and a multitude of bad foods. My mother had previously stated she would try a no process food diet. So, I thought I would give it a try. There are plenty of blogs and articles out there already that are great. What I noticed first, shopping is much easier. What I notice next my bill was higher.

Few of the items I picked up natural peanut butter that you grind in the store, nonfat and non-sweetened yogurt for smoothies, lots of fresh fruits and veggies. I think my kids are in shock. I feed them broccoli and boiled eggs for lunch to use up what I had before we went shopping.                        The only thing I bought that was processed was a treat I told my kids to pick out two for the week.