Thursday, May 29, 2008

Zoo Day

I heard the alarm clock this morning and then a big loud boom. I am glad the alarm went off before the power did. A transformer blew this morning and that is not a good thing for a house full of kids that has a mom with no coffee. So, I packed up the kids early, grabbed McDonald's and headed off to the zoo. I love the Knoxville Zoo. They have a big play area for the children and there is so much to do there. They have a place to comb the goats and sheep. They have a big sand pit and play cabin. The zoo has a small water area for the kids to wade in. I made the kids walk about two miles and then took them home for a long summer's nap. They were so tired and thirsty. Then I picked Jacob up from summer school. He was not there even though I saw the bus pull off. He had ran around the back of the school with his new buddy Rick. Well, I drove home which is about a mile and turned around to pick him up again. He was walking home. When he got in the car I said "are you chewing dip?!" No, he replied it's cherry candy. Well, I said get out of my car you can walk home with your cherry candy. So, I left him on the side of the road and waited for him to get home. He came home and wanted to know what was so bad about chewing tobacco. No comment. The glorious teen years have started.

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