Monday, May 12, 2008

Funny John

John Richard Moore recently turned three years old. He brings so much joy to our household. He loves life! He is bright, funny, warm, happy, curious, clever, and knows how to stand up for himself. I am usually rolling on the floor laughing and can not bring myself to punish him. I often call him Curious George and he will say "I am not Curious George I am John". John is named after my brother John Richard who died at age 10. Last week, I punished him for stepping on our new plants in the front yard and told him to sit in the corner. Ten seconds later he was screaming and crying. I walked over to John and he was shaking and not talking. He had stuck his tongue in the electrical socket. The joys of motherhood. Children are so funny about using the bathroom. You want to teach your children the proper techniques of wiping, flushing, and washing their hands. John always screams out " I ready for someone to wipe my bottom". So, of course, I run right to him thinking there is no way to know what he is doing. Last week he said " Mom come wipe my butt" so I ran up the stairs with a hand full of bath towels to hang on the hooks in the bathroom. John looked at me funny and said "Mom I do not need a towel that big to wipe my butt." Children are so literal. "I read to my children every night. I was reading a story about Jesus helping a man that had been robbed of his clothes and money. I asked John what he would do if someone took his clothes. He said "I would be naked." I heard John say something ugly to his oldest brother Jacob who is 14 years old. I said "John what did you say to you brother and his said "I called him a duck's butt". He put that name together from my favorite cartoon on TLC Peep. My house is never boring.

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