Sunday, September 28, 2008

Moore Racing

Stuart was in a 5K race in West Knoxville called Farragut Fall 5K Run he finished in 27Th place with a time of 21:53 and Jacob ran in Bristol, TN and finished in 22:55. Now, Jacob will have to catch Dad again.

Ashley tried to tell John that her stuffed fox was alive. He said your crazy it's face is not moving!

I had the pleasure of my first sleepover at Carson Newman College with 28 screaming cheerleaders ranging from ages 5-9. Wow!. We stayed up for 24hrs! It took me two days to recover. They had dinner, swimming, makeovers, cheering, and High School Musical Movie.

Ashley's Homecoming Dress

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Sunset in Dandridge

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Oh Jacob!

I almost always write positive things about my family they are my hopes, dreams, and heart. But today I worked a clinical at Laughlin Hospital and had to leave home at 5:20am this morning. Stuart had to take all the kids to school. Then it was a race to get all of them picked-up. When we all arrived at home at 6pm, Stuart said "did you get any phone calls today?" Well, I said no who is in trouble. He said " your boy skipped school and the Principal's office called me. I have heard that people are who they are and you can not change them. I believe that you continually mold your children until they have their own families. But Jacob marches to his own drum! He would make a great President don't you think?? So, his punishment will be interesting because he never learns a lesson. (A stupid man has to be a tough man)........Stuart is making him stand on the road wearing a sandwich sign saying " I got caught skipping school......skipping school is bad.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ashley's Saturday Game Halftime Routine

Bang Bang Choo Choo Train

Get it Get it Got it Got and

Let it Roll and Let it Roll


Big E Little E



Sack that Quarterback

with eye to eye contact


I spread my V, I dot my I

I curl my CTORY

Victory Victory

Calming Clouds

The stock market is historically down and gas prices are way up. I call the gas prices insane due to the fact one gas station is $4.49 and another down the road at $5.09. What should you do when the World seems upside down? Go for a walk and remember that life is a cycle. I walked 5 miles today. It felt great and I took some beautiful cloud shots.

Friday, September 12, 2008


After I posted my sunset picture for my sister's anniversary an image just popped in my head. It has been 16 years since her wedding night. Did I just blink..... wow things slip by so fast like a freight train headed north, like a falling avalanche (AN ABRUPT FLOW OF SNOW), and a clock ticking every second. I remember my sisters wedding day. She had friends from college, me, and sister n law in the wedding party. Two nephews that refuse to walk down the isle holding a little girls hand. The nephews Ben and Steve are grown, teaching school, and will probably get married soon too. The wedding was beautiful and the reception in a big church hall. Now, Kelly life is much like mine busy with work, kids, and husband. I hope that she enjoys her anniversary she has known David for 22 years. That is a long time. Love you SIS!

Sunset Tonight 9/12/08 Aunt Kelly's 16th Wedding Anniversary

Happy 16th Wedding Anniversary Aunt Kelly and Uncle David!!!

Pictures from Jacob's Race

The race was in downtown Knoxville, TN

Ashley and John

Ashley receive her first progress report 94.6, 100, 98 and 2 checks with excellent behavior way to go Ashley.


I guess I should have been a weather women. I love clouds, sky patterns, stars, and the moon. I look at the weather channel everyday. I find mother nature fascinating. I have created a cloud slide show below that are of the last few days:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Nursing School

Yesterday, I worked on a medical surgical floor called "short stay". It was a hard day for me mentally and I started questioning my abilities as a nursing student. I only have about 7 months to go in my program. I felt my life flashing in front of me saying will I love enough, enjoy enough, help enough, and live enough before I become seriously ill and die? I watched cancer patients, liver biopsy, bone marrow aspirations, heart caths, and numerous other illnesses. I watched lonely people with no relatives, people crying, and seeing pain on patient faces. As a nurse you are there to be the rock-the solid foundation and grounding force to help patients recover. Your are there to support, understanding, show compassion, and participate in your patients well being. I personally think nursing is the Strong link to medical care where there are other areas that need work like insurance companies. But way deep down inside of me nursing shows how fast I am aging and I do not like that part. Maybe one day the good feelings of nursing will overcome the bad!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Extra Cheer Practice Pictures

Jacob' s best Run

Pictures are horrible quality but Jacob did a great job. He has only been running two months. Last Saturday he ran in 24:35. This week he was 22:30. He will probably get better and better over the fall. He ran a 5K with about 330 boys. He wants his time around 18 minutes. Way to go Jacob!.....You beat your Dad's time!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

John had me rolling around on the floor laughing. John's bathroom toilet has been stopped up for a few days. He said "Mom, my toilet is hungry". I said what are you talking about'? He said "it has not had any pooh pooh or pee pee lately".

John is making this face because Stuart talked him into eating a zapoto--fizzy sour candy!

Southern Dinner Meal

I made chicken pot pie Monday night. I thought that it was too warm outside to make such a heavy meal. My family not me ate the entire pie.

Boil whole chicken with salt,pepper, and 4 chicken bullion cubes
Boil chicken until tender ( starts falling apart)
Take Chicken out set to the side

Peel 2lbs of Yukon gold potatoes and cube
1 bag of baby carrots or two cups of sliced fresh carrots
I add ice to broth and remove fat*** many different methods
Take broth, carrots, potatoes, and bring to a boil until slightly tender then set to side

Remove Chicken skin and bones leaving shredded chicken

In a deep baking dish add all cooked ingredients
1. Shredded Chicken
2. Broth, carrots, and cubed potatoes
3. 1-2 can of cream of chicken or cream of mushroom soup mix or make a rue
salt pepper sprinkle of sage

I mix olive oil, flour, and water roll out real thin

bake on 330-350 for 1 hour or until golden brown

let stand for 20 minutes before serving

Monday, September 1, 2008

Sunday Evening

Slideshow of the Farmer's Market