Friday, October 30, 2009


Fall is my favorite season of the four. I really think after growing up in upstate South Carolina that is was mainly the fall crisp air. No humidity with a slight breeze blowing leaves off the trees like rain drops. Sundays in the fall become lazy days but yet entertaining with football. Saturday was the big game day for Clemson and Carolina Fans! GO GAMECOCKS! Then as I was a married old woman. Stuart would say come sit down beside me and let me rub that pretty head of yours. What this really means is come sit down and be quiet for 3 hours while I watch Sunday football. This also means no cleaning, vacuuming, or talking on the phone. But I love having my head rubbed! I like the feeling of change with the clear crisp dark skies where the stars shine bright. I love raking big piles of leaves and falling into them. I love pumpkins, cinnamon, apple cider, sweaters, the mountains, apple crisp,and Turkey. Do not get me wrong I love all seasons for different reasons but I think fall is my favorite!

sunrise this morning Happy Anniversary Peter and Sally!

My nieces Ginny and Anna

They came all the way from the beaches of NC to my Nursing graduation. We rented a cabin and had some fun!

Friday lessons

What a outdoor day to remember the leaves are beautiful and one can smell fall in the air. Do not sniff to hard though you might just smell a skunk. We did this morning and John laughed so hard because he had never smelled that smell before. Then on the way home from the barn we smelled cow and horse pooh and John and Ashley thought that was way too funny. John kept called the cow pooh skunk pooh. Why is it that boy relate everything to farts, burps, and poop?

Monday, October 26, 2009


October 26

Monday morning and I am off work but doing house work as fast as I can!
It is a beautiful sunny day. My favorite time of year. The wind blows leaves off the trees and the sun is peaking through the trees making it hard for me to be motivated. I wish I could go on a picnic with my hubby today. We are on opposite schedules! I get him two weekends a month if he does not have to go into work. When I am at work he is at home when I am home his is at work. It is kind of sad I loving spending time with him. Stuart was great with the kids this weekend he took them to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, to Lowes to a Kid's Build a Project, and the school Fall Festival. He also ran in a 5K in downtown Knoxville in 23 min and 8 sec. He was mad he was aiming under 22 minutes he is just about crazy!. It would take me that long to walk a mile.....very proud of him.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

October 21/22

I have once again neglected my blog. Work, children, house work, sleep, and school activities have come first. Ashley is plugging along in school. Ashley's teacher bragged on her today and said that she got 197/200 sight words right and 49/50 on her math test. I read the last question on Ashley's test that stated something about hexagons, points, and triangles. I could not read the question. Anyway, it is a relief now not to have parent teacher conference! The rock quarry just shook the ground. I took Ashley and John horse back riding with a lady name Danielle. They love it and she was a great teacher. They want to live on a farm and I just laughed and said no yall live in a ZOO!

Stuart is in a 5K Sunday and Jacob is in a Cross Country Meet today. I volunteered in Ashley's class and helped with Art. John school called and said he fell a spilt his ear. So I went to get him and took him back to Ashley's class. He loved it...Ashley's class.