Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday Morning

The Picture is from last year's flowers. I am excited that it is that time of year again!

I have a test tomorrow on ED ( Emergency Room and Trauma), Disaster Management, and AIDS. I am procrastinating on this fine Monday morning. I get tickled taking the kids to school everyday. We have a shoe shelf but the kids can never find there shoes. It is so busy in the mornings that I just want to hide. I have 3 lunches to attend too, three breakfast, three book bags, shoes, notes, and checks. John has to have clean blankets and sheets on Monday morning. I also have to have jackets and signed papers. Then I must go and make sure the kids are not sneaking toys to school. John spends the entire morning asking questions. Mom, " how do you spell no?". Mom, "why does a farm have a barn". Mom, why did Daddy go to work?" Mom, " are we have a thunder storm today?" By the time I drop everyone off at school I just want to sit in my car in a moment of silence like a quiet prayer. Usually at 9 AM I have to be in class which is 35 minutes from my house with a 10 minute walk from my car to class. I have five more weeks of class!

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