Tuesday, December 16, 2008

December 16th Uncle Bubba's Birthday

I hope Uncle Bubba has a great Birthday!
It is cool and damp in Tennessee. Stuart is in Albany, GA. He took off on Sunday in a bright blue PT Cruiser. It was not his choice of rental car but we do live in TN. John said " Mommy, is Daddy coming home fast in the blue car?" He is so funny about cars just like his brother Jacob was as a little boy. John also told me that there is a road to heaven that you can drive on. This morning on the drive to school John wanted to know if it was raining in heaven too. He keeps me smiling.......and is just so full of life. I think one day he will preach, be a motivational speaker, or a teacher of some kind.
Ashley was to start Girl Scouts today but she backed out. I really have to encourage her she does not like to be away from home. Stuart will be home tonight at midnight and I will get up at 4:20am for work at the hospital in Greenville, TN.

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