Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday, Sept 8

What a beautiful morning in East Tennessee. The sun is shining over the bright green grass. The fog is lifting making everything glisten as the sun is shining through each break in the clouds. This is the first year that I can remember that we have had adequate rain fall not too much or too little. I have had climbing roses since March and Stuart is still bringing in red tomatoes and bell peppers. I just dropped the kids off and I have plenty to keep me busy today. I have to work for the next three nights so I have a mountain of preparations. We had a full plate this weekend and took a 3 mile walk yesterday at the Cherokee Dam. It is a peaceful place looking at the mountains and lake as far as one can see. There was a slight breeze and the faint smell of lake water. I would love to live on the water and awake in the mornings when the lake is smooth as glass.

Stuart and I stayed up late last night listening to music outside. There was a beautiful September moon with an orange glow that was almost full which was lighting up the night sky. Jacob has a cross country meet today at Panthers Creek.

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