Friday, May 16, 2008

Mother Earth (Picture Ashley's Watermelon)

The complex, resource hungry population produce news stories around the World. I receive Discover Magazine which contains stories about the environment and the human footprint on the Earth. The last article I read described the"Wet Footprint". The article detailed the water usage needed to produce clothes, meat, beverages, and vegetables. The vegetables used the least where as meat used the most. It is amazing how much water it takes to make one leather purse ( about 6,000 gallons of water). Basically every thing we eat and drink effects our water footprint. Then when Stuart got home tonight we were discussing the fact that meat has a huge impact on our footprint because it takes much more energy to produce meat than vegetables. Vegetables can be pulled out of the ground where animals have to be feed, slaughtered, shipped, and sold. I guess the idea is to buy local produce. I can not find any local produce in my own town. Every produce item in our grocery store is from a different country. I am not really sure if there is an answer but to consume less, recycle, and teach conservation to your children. Also, maybe give up the meat and leather purses!!! Grow your own vegetables and fruit. This year Stuart has planted peppers, pumpkins, watermelons, broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes, and herbs. We have a peach tree and two apple trees. I think Stuart would be a farmer if he had a chance. Society might have to consider self-sustaining communities here in America because they are gaining popularity in other parts of the World. (Like Costa Rica-tree houses and Brazil)

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