Monday, May 19, 2008

Backyard Gardening

Wow. I just planted two tomato plants, basil, Mother's Day green bean plant, chives, and a few other plants. I am worried about planting in our backyard because we have so much poison ivy. Stuart and I had to get shots last year because we had poison ivy so bad. Well, I am finished and that's all that matters. Stuart already finished all the hard work with our garden. I was just finishing up the extra plants we have not been able to put out. Yeah! I love looking at a garden but I hate working in the soil! Thank goodness for Stuart because he loves it. I am itching while I am typing I hope that's not a bad sign. All of my beautiful children finish school this week and they will be with me this summer. I am really looking forward to this summer. This will be my last summer of freedom. Next year, I hope to be an RN with a job. I will finish school in April.

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