Saturday, July 23, 2011

No Sleep for me

Tonight is our last night in the small town of Cashiers, NC. I developed a cold of some type on Wednesday morning. I can not ever remember being allergic to any one particular thing. The deck has really nice rectangular flower boxes every 8 feet. There is one particular white weedy flower that filled my nose and I started sneezing. Well, when your in the mountains it is difficult having a running nose and itchy eyes. I tried to be happy and then on Thursday and Friday it just got worse. My head aches and my teeth. Every time I blow my nose my head pounds. So, I am up and just finished a book called a 1000 days. I started the book yesterday and wanted to finish it. Stuart wants to drive to Brevard tomorrow and take the kids to sliding rock??? I want to, although I slept 3 hours last night. This sinus business has me down. Then reality will hit and I will be slightly depressed that I must go back to work and that the kids school will start in about two weeks. We hiked to a waterfall a very short hike it was beautiful reminded me of DuPont Park. The kids in their bathing suits and we had on shorts and T-shirts. John was walking along side of a rock. I yelled at Stuart who was closer and said you better grab John. The waterfall was so loud John could not hear us calling for him. He took one more big step and went straight down in the ice cold water and I scream at Stuart. John did not panic though thank goodness he grabbed a rock and pulled himself up. Anger and fear swelled up in him and he went and sat on a rock by himself. You could see the panic on his face and he wouldn't talked to us. Kids need to be fearful and learn from their own mistakes. It is hard not to embrace them and cuddle them. John lost his eight tooth after dinner last night. I have heard that is not good for you to lose your teeth early. Ashley lost hers really slowly. John will have to have braces for sure.

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