Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday Date Day

Stuart took the day off. We always have so much to do and since I work every other weekend we are only off together 4 days a month. We had car stuff to do, house stuff, and simply just time to hold each others hand. We took off toward Knoxville and shopped for a few clothes for the kids. Stuart and I are so opposite. He walks into a store and we go opposite direction. I start on one section and barely get to the next when he walks up with two things in his hand and states " are you ready to go". He shops on high speed mode it is very funny I am sure to see my facial expressions. I love him though. We went to lunch and when the server put his food in front of him I said he could eat 5 times the amount they gave him. We came home and took a nap together like two old people and now I am off to work a 12 hr shift!

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