Monday, July 27, 2009

I love my job. Nurses have a good schedule I only work 36 hours per week. My job changes everyday. So more Americans need to get their nursing degree.

Most Americans work really hard and never slow down to enjoy the earth. Some European Countries cultures have different work ethics. They believe in the family and community and work fits in there somewhere. Americas because of companies like Car Companies, Textile Mills, and Steel and Coal Companies work this endless assemble line of boring constant work. Americas have adapted themselves to believe that they do not have another choice but to work for companies that steals their life away from them. These same people can lose their job on any given day after putting in 25 boring years in, neglecting their family, community, and taking in what the earth has to offer. We never say "NO" in fear of losing our job....

anyway on a consumer note I love the website and I love the idea behind it as well as I love their coffee. My Love bought me a Coffee Roaster and some green beans to roast for my birthday. In last few months Stuart bought me two great gifts a coffee roaster and a great camera.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I can not sleep blues

I have to take a 8hr class at work called NRP. I can not go to sleep. I have to wake up in 2 hrs to get the kids ready so that I can go to my class. People should not wonder why there are so many wrecks. It probably people just like me that have been sleep deprived. I laid in the bed for three hours unable to even get a cat nap. I can not call in sick for lack of sleep but it is dangerous for me to be out there driving an hour to work. The love of my live is in Albany.....I sleep much better when I can lay my head on his shoulder and reach out and know that he is beside me. When I can not sleep he rubs my head until I get sleepy. Tomorrow I will be sick to my stomach and my muscles will be sore. But on a happier note I really like my job I just hate the adjustment to night shift.

Saturday, July 18, 2009



Birthday weekend with the family. I love being married and just observing peoples relationships. Like I know that I drive Stuart insane with my house cleaning. But I know that he likes a clean and organized house. He drives me crazy with his gardening starting in March and ends in late October. Even though I have a thousand tomatoes piled in my window ledge and I do not even eat tomatoes. I just love watching the joy he gets from gardening. The kids had a great outdoor weekend. We caught a turtle, finished a flower bed, worked in the garden, had a fire, watched the rain, played with the neighbors, listen to music, and cooked a meal all from the garden. John cried because we let Mr. Box turtle go!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009

July 3rd pictures

Friday July 3rd Missy's Birthday

Happy Birthday Melissa Hribar..... Its a big one....I am next......I love you hope you have a Happy Birthday!