Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I have a little Love Doctor on my hands. John Richard told our waitress that he "loved Her". Then at the dentist office he told Dr. Johnson that he love him too. Then John's teacher pulled me to the side and said John was being flirty today. A young lady in her twenties walked in John's classroom and he said " your b-e-a--u-tiful". He is also marrying Isabell when he turns four. Last night he had to put Mack his truck to sleep with a blanket when Stuart was putting him to bed. So, I always check on him and when I saw that I started laughing like Mack was a baby doll or something wrapped up in his favorite blue blanket. I prepared mini strawberry shortcakes last night and John was shoveling it in so fast his was shaking.

I took some really interesting pictures of clouds this weekend.

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