Monday, January 19, 2009

Setting Sun

Snow is Coming

Snowy Night

Stuart, Jacob, Ashley, John, and Mojo went snow kayaking. It is a tradition when it snows to bring out the canoe or kayak. The kids had a blast. School was cancelled today and maybe tomorrow. Nursing school has started as well and mentally I am falling apart! I am so mad today and I figured out that I am mad because school is back in and the kids are at home with me. I am already behind on reading.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Funny John from 2007


I discovered today that I had not lost pictures from 2007 after my computer crashed. I found the attached picture on a CD of John and Jacob holding a bull frog. Jacob was outside barefooted with no jacket looking in a frozen pond where he found the frog.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I have a little Love Doctor on my hands. John Richard told our waitress that he "loved Her". Then at the dentist office he told Dr. Johnson that he love him too. Then John's teacher pulled me to the side and said John was being flirty today. A young lady in her twenties walked in John's classroom and he said " your b-e-a--u-tiful". He is also marrying Isabell when he turns four. Last night he had to put Mack his truck to sleep with a blanket when Stuart was putting him to bed. So, I always check on him and when I saw that I started laughing like Mack was a baby doll or something wrapped up in his favorite blue blanket. I prepared mini strawberry shortcakes last night and John was shoveling it in so fast his was shaking.

I took some really interesting pictures of clouds this weekend.

Friday, January 9, 2009


The low was 24 this morning. It is a little windy and cold. I walked down the hall and found Jacob's bedroom window open. I will take Mojo for a walk in a few minutes. I am suppose to have a hot date with my husband but his boss has other ideas. He has a meeting from 8-1:00pm. I will have to see if he gets out early. last day of freedom before school starts back!
John's favorite word stick a bow bow and tooty fruity. He says everytime he does something funny or wrong he stated that you still love me mom right?
Ashley is more concern with taken a Indiana Jones pop tart to her boyfriend Nicholas.
Jacob we are not really sure what his does.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

January 8th, 2009 Thursday

I gave Mojo a bath today! What a mess. It is my first day without the kids at home since Christmas Break on Deceber 19th. Wow! It is quite. I took Mojo for a walk and went to the store with $27.00 worth of coupons. With store discounts and coupons I save 45.17 on a hundred dollar grocery bill....yeah! I have been spending way too much at the store the last few months.

Ashley looked really tired when she got off the bus. I am helping her with her homework. Knowing that the day will come to soon when she hates homework. She loves it now.

Tomorrow, I have a hot date with my husband! Oh, how I love my husband. My rock!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January 7th, 2009

I just paid for my last semester in Nursing School. Yeah! Hopefully my employer will pay for future education. It is very cold and windy. The day seems to be just gray. I will soon pick up John at school. Jacob and Ashley stayed home today because of flash floods in the area. Ashley and I colored pictures of Strawberry Shortcake.

Christmas Sunset

Moore Pictures from Christmas

ChuckyCheese Pictures

Ashley's Room

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's Raining and Pouring and I am not snoring!

Yuck! Yuck. The rain has made a stream in my neighbors yard. If we do not get sunshine soon everything outside will be moldy. I went shopping today and decorated the house . Ashley wants a horse room. I spent to much painting John's room so I got Ashley a few things. I moved her room around and cleaned. I bought Ashley three big pictures for $8.00 a piece, a lamp for $12.99, a western boot for $7.00, a horse for $6.00, chalk board, dry eraser, western box for $6.00 for a grand total $78.00.

I need to pick up John from school and cook dinner. It is thundering and the old saying is " If it thunders in the winter seven days later it will snow." I think that is an old saying. I just helped Ashley with her homework. I am trying to help my children understand the importance of using correct English. They look at me like I have slapped them in the face. So, I tread water and explain that I have my share of problems with the English language.

I made omelette's, English muffins, and cut fruit for dinner. It is still raining and the kids are putting on their PJ's.