Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve Night

My favorite song Away in a Manger.
Truly most Americans celebrate Christmas but not the birth of Jesus including myself. As I believe that I have grown wiser I have just really gotten older. Every year I claim that my children will celebrate Christmas for the right reasons and not just gift giving but I get further from my words. It is so easy to slip into a world of Walmart, Sam's, Best Buy, and Toysrus. It is just as easy to slip beyond the true meaning of Christmas. There are so many demands made on families today. John has had two school programs, Ashley a cheering banquet, Jacob exams, gift buying, tree decorating, my final exams, state exams, trying to all the presents just right and for the right people, Christmas parties, not to mention all the job responsibilities one has year around. Christmas for many adults is crunch, panic, and mania time. It is a rush to the finish line to see the smile on your children's face on Christmas morning. Sometimes, I just want to run outside and scream! But for the family I keep my composure. I would like to slow things down, celebrate Jesus, buy things made in America, buy things made from the earth, enjoy all of my family, and be a outstanding citizen before I die! Well that is it for my soap box.

Yesterday and today my car is having problems. I was going through my midlife crisis and traded in the Minivan for a Saab 9-3. Cool car but I am having computer malfunction with steering and the car will not accept my key. My car would not unlock. Well, that is a really big problem for me! Then I got on the net and read that this is a common, expensive and pain in the buttom problem with Saabs! Maybe I should have gotten an Accord.
Well, the kids will be up early so I am off to bed.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ashley and John looking at a large fish tank

The Bass Pro Shop adventure Ashley and John are viewing the fish!

Frogmore Stew

Grandmommy made Frogmore Stew for our rehearsal dinner!
My parent fixed this dish too.

6-8 Quarts of Water
1/2-3/4 cup of old bay seasoning
2 lbs new red potatoes
2 lbs smoked sausage links there are different types

12 ears corn - husked, cleaned and quartered
4 lbs large fresh shrimp, unpeeled

Some Chefs from Louisana put a beer in the mixture

Winter Plants

Christmas Time

The North Pole

We went to visit with Santa today. The picture of the kids on Santas knee was to fuzzy. So, these are the pictures I took myself.


Mojo had a bath and stayed overnight in a kennel. He thinks he is human. we love Mojo!


Knowing your children and signs of head injuries

Almost all of my blog is devoted to my beautiful children. Every mom should know their children inside and out. They should know the good and bad. On a trip out of town, my little John fell off the back of a tricycle on to the cement. I was not there when it happened but I knew immediately when I walked in the door that something was not right. He could not keep his eyes open and pupils were dilated, was crying, holding his hands and face funny, and saying he was going to be sick. So, I took him to the hospital. He had a displaced skull fracture. Poor little John. Symptoms of skull fractures may include headaches, confusion, blurred vision, unconsciousness, loss of memory, muscles weakness, paralysis, vomiting, unequally sized pupils, and even deteriorating levels of consciousness that suggest progressive brain damage. In severe cases in the area of the base of the skull there may be a discharge from the nose or ears. Even if none of these symptoms are present a person who has received a significant blow to the head should consult a physician. When hemorrhaging is suspected a CT scan will be performed. If the person is diagnosed with a closed fracture they will be hospitalized and observed for complications. When no symptoms are present after 24 hours treatment may not be needed since the fracture may heal itself. The hospital where John stayed was exceptional and they said it would just take time to heal.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Windy Blusterous Day

We are having wind gust to 35 miles per hour and we are trapped in the house!. I want to take the kids out because they are so excited about the last day of school before Christmas Break. John's teacher informed me that he ate two cupcakes and still had one to go. Well, thank goodness I picked him up early he does not need three cupcakes. At home, I am mean I guess I try to watch what the kids eat.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

December 18th! Happy Birthday to you Aunt Carin

We all are wishing you the best birthday possible!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

December 16th Uncle Bubba's Birthday

I hope Uncle Bubba has a great Birthday!
It is cool and damp in Tennessee. Stuart is in Albany, GA. He took off on Sunday in a bright blue PT Cruiser. It was not his choice of rental car but we do live in TN. John said " Mommy, is Daddy coming home fast in the blue car?" He is so funny about cars just like his brother Jacob was as a little boy. John also told me that there is a road to heaven that you can drive on. This morning on the drive to school John wanted to know if it was raining in heaven too. He keeps me smiling.......and is just so full of life. I think one day he will preach, be a motivational speaker, or a teacher of some kind.
Ashley was to start Girl Scouts today but she backed out. I really have to encourage her she does not like to be away from home. Stuart will be home tonight at midnight and I will get up at 4:20am for work at the hospital in Greenville, TN.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

John's funny lines

Tonight John is in a Christmas Program and he will be a camel.

He told me he was getting married when he turned 4.

He told me that he had two girlfriends Laura and Isabel.

Stuart was listening to 80's music on the computer and I was tickling John's feet.

He said "no mommy you can not tickle my feet there is a Boy's Song on wait until the Girl's song comes on!"

His question today was why does the rain hit the car harder when we are moving?

Cold Rainy Day

Yesterday, I worked at the hospital. I am always a little nervous when I leave the house at 5:20 am. Stuart and the kids are sleeping and the house is quiet. I have about a 50 min drive in the dark. I always wonder if everyone is OK but I can't call and wake them up. Once report is given at the hospital you basically have your orders to run with. I usually do not have a moments peace until Noon. My mind, feet, and hands are so busy that I do not think about my family again until I sit down for lunch. It is kind of sad in a way. I love going to pick them up from school and give them kisses and hugs. But as soon as I start dinner they start fighting. Then I wish I was back at work!

It is suppose to rain all day and I need to go shopping!

Monday, December 8, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in TN

Reward Night

I promised Ashley and John they could have bath in the big TUB. If they took a really long walk with me at night in the cold! I try to keep the kids moving even in the Winter months. So they had a bubble bath and a warm cup of Hot Chocolate with tiny marshmallows.

Pretty Ashley

December Pictures

John's New Room

We are ordering Bunk beds, a rug, and wall murals. The painting is almost finished. He can actually write on the black road border because it is chalk board paint. We are painting Ashley's room a light sage and putting 2 horses on the wall.

Sunset December 8th, 2008

I have neglected my blog due to Nursing School. I have a free day tomorrow and I intend on blogging my little heart out. We took the kids on a walk tonight. I filled out a health survey for our Health Insurance that was online. I am making Chai Tea with cranberries, cinnamon and oranges. I took my final exam today in Med Surg.

I had the pleasure of taking Jacob to the doctor today the Nurse said he was 143lbs and 6 2 1/2. I think she must have measured him incorrectly because I measured him at 6ft 1 inch. It is a very sad day when your children are taller than their Mom!