Wednesday, October 12, 2016


I really do not think there is much Politics involved in the 2016 Election. Growing up in the South, the term "President of the United States" was about as big as it ever got. There was, of course, such respect even in education when teaching young children about our political system. But then and now is different, Then media had respect now the media is the root to all evil. It is what our children see and live. The media loves lies, secrets, sorrow, stealing, death, scandals, ill will, rape, torture, negativity, wrong doings, and so many bad things. Instead of truth, integrity, guts, accomplishments, creation, arts, education, winning, and so many positive things. Today, I am afraid that is completely gone.  Today people are becoming more and more numb to wrong doings. The media exposes candidates and exploits their entire existence. The media problems really started getting bad in the early 90's. Maybe it was the World Wide Web. The truth is I do not know who to vote for in November. Clinton is a liar and any woman can stand by her based on Trumps videos this is how I call it. If a woman can stand by a man (Bill Clinton) that has exploited women with his awful behaviors and made her to look like a fool. How can you condemn Trump for his words. She did not stand against her husband how can she protect us as a country. Who brought all these images up the media. What really counts to Americas equality, finances, health care, freedom, security, education, and jobs. Did you hear or see any of this during the debate. I watched the whole debate which was horrible for young Americans to watch, Somebody with so much power needs to take the Media down a few notches in my opinion.