Sunday, January 23, 2011


Well, Ashley brings home an extra credit project to make brownies using good measuring skills. So, after being in the kitchen two hours cooking and cleaning dinner mess we started our brownies. Stuart headed out to the store for baking powder because I do not bake. The object was for Ashley to learn about measuring but what I learned was when to just give up. We made the brownies and learn the process then I said please write a paragraph on the steps per instruction from your teacher. While, I had my back turned, she wrote it with pink magic marker and it was so sloppy. I said if your going to turn a paper in write it correctly. So thinking that was enough instruction I turn to start cleaning again and she is writing her new paper on a sticky note pad about 5 inches long. She could fit two sentences on the paper. I screamed Ashley please get a piece of notebook paper and write down the steps before I have a heart attact. She was pretty upset at the third try, But in my defense what is she thinking,,,,she was not thinking just tired. I would have rather just made brownies with her licking the bowl is more fun than writing a paper,