Friday, November 27, 2009

Oh, how my children make be laugh. On Tuesday morning, I cooked for Ashley's class and went to participate in her Thanksgiving celebration. Ashley's teacher went around the room and asked the children to stand up and give thanks for something in their life. Most of the children were thankful for Moms, Dads, Food, Water, and their church. I figured Ashley would be thankful for her family too. When she stood up she said "I'm thankful for Emma". What? I thought Emma? It was a cat we had that disappeared when Ashley was 3 years old. Now she is 7 and I said wow. I really think the cat represents something else that happen in her life like moving homes. I have not figured it out yet. Ashley is so sweet and kind hearted and John is interested in how many times he can say butt crack before I yell at him. Ashley is looking at bridal magazines and John is telling us at the dinner table that he will never get married. All the while, Jacob has turned up his speakers making the walls shake to see how long it will take us to beat his door down.

I went to visit my Grandmother in the Nursing Home in SC. My heart sunk and I got a huge knot in my throat. I held back my tears until I hugged her good bye. I know she saw me crying but I could help it. She has only been in the Nursing Home 5 months. She tried to stay upbeat for me but I know she just want to go home. She can not walk and has no feeling on her left side so it would be impossible for her to stay at home. I know she is lonely and I am overcome with guilt that I live to far to visit regular. Grandmothers have so much wisdom though she told me yesterday that I am missing out on things I will regret in my later years by working so much! I can not take time back.
Picture was at Grandma Jennys House at Christmas!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lessons at the Wisner Farm

I love that beautiful farm and family. They have opened open their family and invited us in. Ashley and John love it there. They are taking riding lessons. I have to work tonight and blogging takes up so much of my time.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

Ashley a Doctor and John was a Transformer