Sunday, June 28, 2009


Ashley is so graceful and sweet. I think somewhere though, which is partly my fought, she has developed unwarranted fear about situations. Probably from me being protective. She is scared to death of thunder storms and people leaving. She gets a sick feeling when someone leaves our house. Like tonight Stuart went into work and she started crying saying please make Daddy come home. It will break your heart listening to her. I only hope this fear leaves so she will be adventurous spirit!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day in the Car with the Family

We met Grandmommy at halfway mark between Greenville, SC and Dandridge, TN. The half way mark is in Asheville, NC. We as a family always head off in the car with good intentions to be nice and have a pleasant drive. I know that I tend not to be optimistic but the drive always ends up horrible 99.5 % of the time. Stuart wants to invent a car with sound proof cubicles within the car so you can not hear anyone. There is a reason for video games and TVs in the car. Stuart and I end up talking for less than 2 minutes before being interrupted for the 100Th time to loud fighting and crying in the back seat. Stuart slammed on the breaks and pulled over to have a serious talk with the kids it is hard to be a good driver with all the noise.

Now we are back home and the kids are in bed. I can not fall asleep. Nursing has me all out of place with my sleeping habits and I am getting ready to work Night shift.

Jacob got a hair cut and now he looks like Uncle Ned.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Bay's Mountain

Our trip on Father's Day to Bay's Mountain in TN
We thought the sign was appropriate for a little boy too!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lightening Boom Boom Boom

Thunder storms are great unless your dishes are rattling and the kids are crying. I love thunder storms especially when I can enjoy them while sitting on the porch. I got to see a very unusal thing today. Lightening struck right in front of me but did not touch the ground. It was strange but beautiful. It is amazing what you are capable of seeing if you are quiet and still.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Car Shopping

Stuart and I looked for a car today to replace his wrecked car. He is so cheap it is hard to shop. I joked with him and said keep being cheap so I can drive the nice car. Well, I really hope he finds something that gives him some pleasure he deserves it. The kids were so loud on the way home that my brain is echoing.......

Lake Julian

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

To Ruby

Stuart Monday
Ashley Monday
Ruby Monday
Caroline Monday
Paige Thursday
John Thursday
Wyatt Thursday
Ned Thursday
Aunt Carin Wednesday
Jacob Wednesday
Grandmommy Wednesday
Uncle Bubba Wednesday
Peter TuesdayBold
Aunt Sally Saturday
Uncle Rob Saturday