Saturday, May 30, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

Loving Relationship

Stuart has been on my mind lately. Everyday that we leave our homes we are at risk of not returning. Stuart expierienced a bad wreck yesterday. He is ok thanks to sideair bags and seat airbags that deployed. He has scrapes, bruises, and two broken ribs. He is lucky thanks to his European car. I love him and it is so often we do not confess our true feelings. He is a very private man but this blog is for my children and I hope they have a loving partner like their father has been to me.

When I stand, sit, or lay beside you,
not even touching you,
I take in a deep breath of love
that lingers over my entire body
I can touch your skin
my lips tremble
my feet tingle
my hand moves across your stomach
I lay my head and ear on your heart
to feel the calm beating rhythm
I lay quietly thinking passionate thoughts
It is like touching a newborn baby for the first time
the warmth, compassion, endearing love
even after 19 years ....................
We use to lay together listening to music 19 years ago
last week we were outside at Midnight listening to music together
dancing, laughing, smiling
Our favorite ritual is going to bed together at night
knowing that we are beside one another
We have experienced many first events together
a marriage
a new family
a child
a home
a wonderful relationship
You confess your love me
You hold my hand ask me to lay on you shoulder
You say things to me that you would not say to another
You respect me and give acts of kindness to me daily
You strive to make things fair
to open my eyes to different possibilities
You walk quietly, sleep quietly
leave a peaceful air in our house
I know that you care
that you love me
I know that we are meant to be together forever
I know that you would never write like this but
you show me everyday how you feel
What more could a partner want than what you have given me............

Thinking about my Stu baby today. He is a quiet soul, devoted husband and father. I know he wants to take hold of the world and experience adventurous events. He is stuck right in the middle of Hillbilly Hamlet as on Lightening McQueen a Hillbilly Hell. Lighten McQueen says "my IQ is dropping by the second, I'm in Hillbilly Hell". That is the how we feel here in our own community. He longs for sailing off to make a mark or difference in the world. I think most people do not truly believe in fate but I do. For my Stuart..........."I love you, not only for what you are, But for what I am when I am with you."--Roy Croft. I simply do not believe that I would love another and I love Stuart.

Monday, May 25, 2009

More Balloons

This picture is from Lake Douglas on I40 near my House.


School is Over

We went to Greenville,SC this weekend and attended Freedom Weekend Aloft. We watched eight different balloons lift off into the sky. in the background you could here music by Firefall. We were seated on a hill of lush green grass surrounded by children laughing and playing.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Graduation Weekend

What a mess! We had to practice for the ceremony which took way longer than I had planned.
My sister, mom, nieces came up to see the big day. They traveled 7hrs to come and visit. We rented a cabin on Lake Douglas and the cabin view was beautiful. The amenities left a little to be desired. The house water was stinky and all the appliances had a caked on lime deposits. The coffee pot took 30 minutes to make a pot of coffee. Overall, by my standards, the cabin was not clean. The kids had fun and they usually do because they are not burdened with responsibility. Well my sister and did not make it to my graduation because my wonderful husband misinformed them on directions which is usually not like him. They drove 25 miles in the opposite direction because he told them to get on I40west instead of I40East. They called Stuart back and they simply could not make it in time. They were all dressed up and had driven 7 hours to see me graduate so they were very disappointed!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I took my last exam today and I am very stressed out. My stomach is hurting and tied up in knots. My fate in Nursing rest in that last exam and it was a horrible one. I would have like to ended on a good note. This me me looking stressed!!! Well, I will come back later and document on my grade....