Saturday, February 21, 2009

Johns Birthday Party will be today

John was so excited last night that he could not sleep. It was like Christmas Eve Night. Stuart and I put John down about 8PM and we were sitting in our bedroom talking about our plans for the next few weeks. Stuart and I have to have matching calendars because we are so busy. We moved to the den to finish our conversation when we heard noise coming from John's room. He was so excited about his birthday that he had jumped out of the bed and was playing again with cars. Stuart told John that he could play quietly. About 10:30 we went to tuck John in and he was asleep faced down looking at dump truck. He went to sleep starring at the wheels on the dump truck, had his arms tucked under him and his feet crossed. We are having John's first party today he has been to young until now for a real party. We are taking him and a few friends to Fun Depot. It is like a Chucky Cheese located in Morristown. We got John a razor scooter, baseball gear, and a CD player. I will post pictures from the party later.

It is 21 degrees, cold, and windy today. They are calling for snow later tonight.

I have been working in an ICU Unit for the last month. It is simply amazing what modern medicine can do for people. But human care, touch, love, and warm is more powerful.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Oh Stu

I usually do not write about my husband because my blog is really information for my children. Stuart does not really care for the mushy or sentimental side of things. But I love him so much and he told me about twenty years ago to trust him and he would take care of me. He has taken care of me and our three children. He loves his children and has a special relationship with each one. He has always said that we must never go to sleep mad at one another. He is so rational and grounding which really mentally supports me. If I did not have Stuart I am almost sure I would be on antidepressant or anxiety medications. We use to lay in bed for hours talking about our future and now we are living it. I reminded Stuart about our talks and got a very warm emotional feeling of love for my husband! Happy Valentines Day to my sweet heart.