Sunday, August 31, 2008

Holiday Weekend

Ashley, Zachery, and Cole in a group hug!

Busy is the only way to explain Friday and Saturday's events. I had class from 9-2:00PM on Friday. I rushed off the grocery store, picked Ashley up at the bus stop, then John at school, and finally Jacob at the High School. Then Pat, my employer came by the house and picked me up and we were off to the High School. There was a high school football game at 7:30 and State Farm had a promotional gig. The sun was beating down on us as we worked meeting and greeting people. The game reminded me of a Clemson...USC game. Because it was so hot, lots of cars, and crazy fans. Stuart took Ashley to cheer practice. I arrived home at 8:00, Stuart and the kids at 8:30, and Jacob 11:00. Then the next morning, we were up at 6:00AM. Jacob had a running meet in West Knoxville. So, Stuart dropped Jacob off at the high school and came back to dress the kids. Stuart, Ashley, and John headed off to a park in West Knoxville to watch Jacob run. I went into work with Pat at State Farm. The office was crazy. In two short hours there were probably 14 customers that stopped by. Then we all meet back at home at 1:00 and rest fort about an hour. Ashley was cheering at a football game in Kodak, TN. So, I kept John and Stuart took Ashley to the game. Stuart loves hot weather and I hate it weather above 82 degrees. Our team won the game and Stuart got back about 7:00PM. He helped me get the kids ready for bed and the he slipped on shorts to go run four miles. I laid down on the bed with my mouth open thinking life is such a blur. When Stuart got back we set out on the front porch listening to music. We had a glass of organic red wine. I love our quiet time and it was a beautiful evening although we were have trouble keeping our eyes opened.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Our crazy Dog!
It has been raining for several days
and Mojo was dirty.
So, being the good Mom and pet owner, I decided to give him a flee bath. I took him for a walk in the neighborhood first to tire him out before the bath. The walk did not work. He is so funny on every walk. He walks you because he is so strong. He sniffs everything so hard.....every weed that its like he is sniffing drugs.

I know why pet grooming places charge so much for a bath.
My back is now killing me, I am sweating, and I am covered with hair.
I brushed Mojo for twenty minutes while he tried to eat the brush and sit in my lap.
He is way too big for a lap but he still tries.

Wednesday Morning

Today I am learning about Medical Surgical Nursing. I have four chapters about fluids and electrolytes. Basically, it is anatomy, chemistry, nursing, and microbiology all mixed together. Fun.....Fun....Fun. After I finished College in 1991, I then and today can not understand how a two year degree can be so difficult to obtain. I have jumped into a hundred hoops during Nursing School.

Yesterday, my sweet little John fell at school at bumped his nose. His eyes looked all watery and sad when I picked him up at school. I was explaining to John that I loved all my children. He said "Do you love Jacob too?" I explained that I really loved Jacob bunches but Jacob rides my patience a little. John said "Jacob, is like the troublesome box cars on Thomas ... he is very difficult!" I laughed and laughed.

Then John asked his dad "how much does it cost to get married?"Stuart said " a lifetime". John walked in the den and said "Ashley do you want to get married? Lately, John has a fascination about our vacation this summer. "Mom can you tell me a story about the lake house?". Also, he told Stuart that he dreams about the lake house every night. His summer vacation really made a great impression.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Grandmommy's Birthday

Yesterday, Grandmommy and Poppy came to visit on Grandmommy's Birthday. The kids were very excited to see them and John ran around in circles showing off his many talents. If there is one thing you can say about John is that he is all boy and loves women. We enjoyed the afternoon together watching the kids play, Ashley cheering, and talking about everything. In the early evening, we went to a local restaurant called Smokey's. After a good meal we headed to the Dandridge Revolutionary War Graveyard. Grandmommy had her camera and she took some pictures of the kids especially Ashley. Ashley has an ingenious way of posing just right for the camera. She is like a young fashion model. After we left, I drove Grandmommy around Dandridge which only took about ten short minutes. At home, the boys were outside on the deck talking and we called them in for cake. I made Grandmommy a birthday cake with pans that were made in the USA. Yeah... it is so hard to find items assembled in the US. I think it was a wonderful visit. The first thing John ask this morning is where is Grandmommy and Poppy.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Pumpkins from our yard!

Ashley's big day

Everyday, I think that time will slow down and I will catch my breath to view the world . But things keep moving faster and faster. I always remind myself to slow down and enjoy life. My family did just that this weekend. It was quiet and we did what we wanted instead of what we were suppose to finish.

Ashley reminded me that I said she could have her ear piercest. So, off we went to the mall but I did not fill her in on any of the details. I did not want to scare my beautiful six year old. That experience is not something you would take pictures of but she acted better than expected. She squeezed my hands and that was the end of the pain. You could choose from about twenty pairs of earrings. She chose her birth stone which is green. She must keep the new earrings in for six weeks and clean them three times daily. She has been warned not play with them or her ears will become infected. My little girl......was so proud tonight.

Stuart and I spent most of the weekend watching the Olympics and enjoying each others company. Tonight, I fixed a real southern dinner......mashed potatoes, steamed veggies, country style steak, and buttermilk biscuits with honey. What a mess with the kitchen but everyone had a full belly. Tomorrows dinner will have to be simple Ashley has Cheer practice. Stuart dried some herbs in the attic and they turned out great.

Friday, August 15, 2008


I am sitting down gazing at Ashley's beautiful flower garden through the window in my office. All three kids are in school and I have one week before my classes start.
I played with Mojo and worked in our small pumpkin patch. We have five pumpkins and one big watermelon.

I also put out some ant spray which I do not like to do. John, Ashley, and I have gotten fire ant bites. We had fire ants in SC but it has been two years and they are the first ants I have seen in Tennessee. In SC, the ants built up sand piles and you know where the mounds are located. But here in Tennessee they live in mounds of mulch and they are much harder to locate. If you were to hear the panic screams of Ashley and John you would find a way to kill the ants fast.

I feel bad for my husband sitting behind a desk all day long! I will always be thankful that he gave this time in my life to go to school. School and raising children are hard. But I think my husband's job is confining him to a chair and I feel sorry for him. He loves the great outdoors.

I took a very interesting picture of two crickets and the sky today.
When the neighborhood kids come out at night to ride their bikes it is hard to make the kids go to bed. They all love playing outside.
I have to study this week and next week for my class. The Nursing Instructors gave us homework over the summer. I am studying Stem cell differentiation and maturation. One would think I was studying to be a doctor and not a nurse.
We have cheer practice again tonight and I am looking forward to spending time with the family this weekend!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Yesterday, I painted Jacob's room which turned out just the way I had intended. I feel so old and tired from climbing, bending, and rolling. My brain is tired of all the bad words said everytime I got paint on the ceiling. I painted his room a silver gray color. The angry teenager in him made Jacob kick a hole in his wall so I had to patch that knowing that I myself have put holes in the wall. One time when Jacob was an infant I had issues in a bad way. I was not depressed rather stark raven mad. I punched a hole in my bathroom wall with my hand.

Also, I enrolled John in school and took the kids to cheer leading. It is a two hour practice. John ran around like a crazy person and claimed that he was going to play football. He almost got his chance when the players ran down the field almost on top of him. I have found through the years that I hate calling my kids names over and over. John do not climb the fence. John do not throw rocks. John do not go out on the field and kiss your sister during practice. John ......John......John. Well, enough of that and painting too. John has been so funny lately. He said mom can I sleep in a shirt and under pants. I said "no, put your PJ's on". He said " but mom Sponge Bob Sleeps in his under pants. He keeps asking me if I have a baby in my belly. I wonder what he is really asking? Stuart will be home tonight and I am looking forward to seeing him.


Monday, August 11, 2008

Fried Green Tomatoes and A Busy Day

Stuart has a passion for growing and eating tomatoes. That is funny because I hate tomatoes but it seems to work for us. I told him yesterday that he loves his tomatoes more than me!. So, last night for supper we grilled hamburgers and fried some granny green tomatoes with cornmeal and flour. Yuck! Stuart and Jacob loved them. I also have free decorations for the house which are tomatoes and peppers. We also had squash, zucchini, and carrots.

Stuart is flying to Napersville today and will be there until midnight on Wednesday. I hate when he flies and I have to sleep by myself. I could never be divorced! I do not sleep well at all when Stuart is gone.

This morning was so beautiful and cool. The temperature was 60 degrees and sunny. Jacob has freshman orientation called LINK at his high school. I cried when Jacob started school at 5 1/2. I should cry harder now that he is in high school and will be driving soon. Ashley has cheer leading tonight. I have to get John enrolled in school today. I also have to plan something for Ashley's birthday.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


This morning was clear and crisp like late September morning. It was a typical morning. John greeted Stuart and I loudly at 6:50 AM. Ashley followed and both wanted breakfast. Before we could wake completely John let Mojo loose, started a fight with Ashley, and climbed the walls of the pantry. Mojo was eating my flip flops and his food bowl. Usually, I am yelling before I rise but this morning I had fallen back to sleep and Stuart awoke me as he yelled loudly at John. I jumped up quickly, changed our sheets and made a wonder pot of coffee. I went outside on our front porch and listened to the birds which were crowing loudly. A slight breeze blew across the grass and the sun made everything sparkled. There was no humidity in the air and you could smell sweet grass. I set in the rocking chair and drank a good cup of coffee. John ran out on the porch with pair of pliers and said "I going to cut the grass with these." So, my peace and quiet ended. So, I decided to write a blog and John was screaming!. Ashley said mommy Johns is crying he has a train stuck in his mouth! ......My daily crisis list #13 for the morning already.

Yesterday, I traveled to Murfreesboro to see my friend Sheri. It takes about 3 1/2 hours. Sheri is having twins and I am so exited for her. She will be a Family of eight now. She has four children already. The house was so cute because she has two children in each room. We went to a baby shower hosted by her friends and she got lots of beautiful cloths. The twins names will be Megan and Lindsey. When I got home the kids were out riding their bikes and Stuart was chasing them. Stuart ran in his 5K yesterday called the Trojan Trek and ran it in 23:12. I am so proud of him. John ran out of our house at 6:50 AM to the back porch and screamed look there is a balloon. So, Jacob, Stuart, Ashley, John, and I watched with amazement there was a beautiful hot air balloon. right over our backyard. It was so close we could see the person in it. It was navy blue with white stars on it. Thank goodness John had gone outside we all go to share a nice moment together.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sunday Afternoon

Stuart and I drove the kids to see if we could find a good place to put the Kayaks in near the State Line. We drove down a small two lane road looking for a State Park that we never found. We pulled the car over and let the kids play in the creek. I saw a beautiful butterfly that was very active and hard to get a picture of it!. John fell in so we packed them up and headed home. Stuart is running tonight to get ready for a 5K that is at Panther Creek State Park on Saturday and Ashley just started cheerleading.

Lake Murray Movie Slide

Lake Murray Movie Slide

Family Days

Storm at Lake Murray

Jumping 1 2 3

Ice Cream Fun

The last night at the late house we grilled out steaks and cooked hamburgers for the kids. We bought the kids ice cream bars and John really enjoyed his. Uncle David video taped John and I can not wait to see it.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Lake Murray Monster

Before we ventured out Stuart managed to tell John and Ashley a story about the Lake Murray Monster. This monster eats skis. I have so many stories to tell.

John was terrified the first day but by the second day he was jumping off the dock. Ashley got to ride the Jet Ski with Uncle David. Ginny and Anna Kayak with all the Adults on Monday. Mojo learned to jump off the dock too.

Ginny and Anna are so sweet to Ashley and John!

Uncle David go Fast and Foward!!